Critical Media Practices

Critical Media Practices graduate seminar for the Spring of 2021.

This workshop-format seminar builds theoretical foundations for encounters with sensible and sensuous worlds. Through weekly readings, screenings, experiences, and group exercises, we explore ways of know- ing, remediating, and evoking as they not only originate in the academy but also from the art world. We look at the way these formations relate to and produce their objects of fascination. Key words like critique, media, intermedia, politics, affect, ethics, and aesthet- ics are sites of current attention and coalescence in disciplines affliated through the humanities.

Readings (which are limited to less than 50 pages per week, and often less than that) will include selections from authors like Jennifer Deger, Fred Moten, Miyarrka Media, Jacques Rancière, Kato Sadamichi, Kathleen Stewart, Natalie Love- less, Trinh T. Minh-Ha, Erin Manning and Brian Massumi, Tim Ingold, Katherine McKittrick, and others. The readings are designed to provide a framework for collective discus- sions without distracting from individual and small-group readings you may undertake for your independent final project. In this class I also protect time for the non-textual, such as engaging in multimodal projects, gallery visits, etc.

ANT 394M | Wednesdays 2:00 -5:00 p.m. | Spring 2021 for more info.