folded paper, needles, waxed cord – a workshop in simple bookmaking.
Monday, February 22 at 1:30pm.
postponed until Monday, March 1 at 1:30pm

For the third installation of the poetix series we’re holding a booklet making workshop and discussion of chapbooks.
The pamphlet stitch. We’ll be demonstrating a three-hole pamphlet stitch. We have a small number of kits that can be mailed out. Please contact Craig (craig.campbell@utexas.edu if you’d like a kit sent to you). Note that we’ll only be mailing kits within the USA. You can also just assemble the materials yourself (needle, paper, thread… there are lots of tutorials out there, just search for “pamphlet stitch” or check this video out).
Here is a long list of information and resources:
- Ugly Duckling On-line chapbook archive (highly recommended)
- chapbook book reviews: https://entropymag.org/transitory-poetics-january-2016/
- poetry chaplet series:http://www.belladonnaseries.org/chaplets/
- https://tarpaulinsky.com/chapbooks-hand-bound-hardcover/
- digital (and print) chapbook archive:http://www.essaypress.org/digital/
- brief history of zines (with external links):https://blogs.lib.unc.edu/rbc/2017/10/25/a-brief-history-of-zines/
- zine library:https://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/findingdb/zines/related/
- 1800 latin american zineshttps://remezcla.com/features/culture/maleta-fanzinera-collection-of-latin-american-zines/
- collection of zines of the Americas:https://atom.library.miami.edu/asm0520
- local zine-making events Austin: https://www.monkeywrenchbooks.org/events
- chapbook publishers Austin:http://cuneiformpress.comhttps://newfound.org/catalog/
- chapbook sellers Austin:https://malvernbooks.com/in-the-store/
- university chapbook publishers: https://dornsife.usc.edu/goldlinepress/ricochet-editions/
- bookmaking residencies:https://centerforbookarts.org