BEE meet – November 2, 2020
1. Ghosts, Memory, History
Our first cycle of films is titled Ghosts, Memory, History in response to films by Lois Patiño, Linda Paganelli, and Alan Klima. The first two documentaries expand our sense of temporal imaginaries and intangible presence through their experiments with form. The third film, Alan Klima’s Ghosts and Numbers animates the uncanny with the director’s attention to the haunting materialities of money.
1. Night without distance
by Lois Patiño – 23 min
2. Imprinted
by Linda Paganelli – 20 min
3. Ghosts and Numbers
by Alan Klima.
All are welcome to join Bureau meetings.
Meeting participants are asked to watch Night Without Distance on their own time, prior to our meeting on November 2nd at 10am (Austin). We will watch Imprinted at the beginning of our meeting and will be joined by assistant director of Imprinted, Florian Grandmüller. For a discussion of both films.
We invite you to join us on
Monday, November 2nd at 10am (Austin).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 944 6624 5628
We will watch and discuss the third film, Ghosts and Numbers, at a later date (TBD).