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  • AI generated monochrome fauxtograph of a group of people in a room amidst art and stuff

    Fall 2023//meeting no.1

    Bureau for Experimental Ethnography meetingWednesday, August 30th 2023. noon – 1pmIntermedia Lab: WCP 4.120 Please join us for our first meeting in the Intermedia Room (WCP 4.120) at noon to learn more…

  • Photograph of a pile of printed zines.

    zines, chapbooks, and pamphlets

    The Bureau for Experimental Ethnography launches a two-year (2023-2025) focus on pamphlets, zines, and chapbooks. From fieldnotes and photographs to audio, film and video recordings, ethnography (broadly construed) has been concerned with…

  • Preparing for an Instagram Live broadcast.

    Carceral Edgelands Special Issue

    In March of 2023 the journal Sociology Lens published a special issue focused on the carceral edgelands. Edited by Craig Campbell, this issue features the work of many people associated with the…